RCB moves to better premises
View(s):Research Consultancy Bureau PVT Ltd. (RCB), now in its 12th year of service, recently moved into a new office premises in Nawala in the light of expanding both quantitative and qualitative research departments in the organisation. Having established the organisation in 2002, RCB has been successfully offering quantitative, qualitative and observational research insights to Sri Lankan companies and institutions for over a decade.

Ravi and Janaki Bamunusinghe with the RCB team.
Leading the team at RCB are Marketing Research Professionals Ravi and Janaki Bamunusinghe, who have more than 40 years of experience in both social and market research and consultancy. They were also the founding directors of Market Behaviour Lanka (PVT) Ltd (MBL Lanka), now known as TNS Lanka. Mr. Bamunusinghe, Managing Director of RCB is also the current President of the Market Research Society of Sri Lanka (MRSSL).
RCB says it believes in being the pulse of the people on any theme or topic, hence the agency culture is pivoted around understanding clients’ customers and consumers. Over the years, RCB has developed many research products including ReaCom, SIT, MLT, MFGD and MET to name a few. Some of them have become research tools among marketers.
In addition to helping build brands, RCB is also known for its consultancy services where marketers seek their services to position their brands, products or industry segments to grow their respective businesses.
Being a strong believer of Research into Action (RIA), RCB has partnered with a few selected international and local consultants in implementing research insights to a meaningful outcome.
The RCB premises are designed to cater to facilities required for a comprehensive research agency inclusive of Telephone Survey units and Focus Group Observation facilities.
It also presently located in central Nawala, accessible to both clients and employees. RCB is a joint partner with the Business Times in field and email opinion polls on a variety of topics of national, social and economic importance.