Mirror Magazine
A fun alternative to working out

It’s 6.30 pm in the heart of Colombo, and the Viharamahadevi Park is already buzzing with joggers, children, friends and couples. The sky is tinged with a hint of purple, there’s a soft breeze in the air and the traffic just a few metres away is almost imperceptible amidst the softly gurgling fountain. Our aching [...]
The power of play

Master puppeteer Sulochana Dissanayake, founder and artistic director of ‘Power of Play’flutters a beautifully crafted puppet around, talking, whispering, shrieking at times. At the hand of an expert, a puppet is hard to distinguish from a living, breathing individual and with movements – a surreal enchantment envelopes us. It’s a power that can break barriers [...]
Expect the unexpected

“The course of true love never did run smooth,” wrote Shakespeare. There is beauty in chaos and bravery in taking a path less travelled and that is exactly what the talented cast from Gateway College will be banking on as they take on ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream – The Musical’. Quite clearly a feat far [...]
Switching things up with the Deanna School of Dancing

‘Switch’ a musical show by the junior and senior school of the Deanna School of Dancing, will demonstrate just what the body-and mind-can do when it comes to dancing. ‘6Switch’ is based on the fantasy of a newspaper coming alive in front of your eyes; a clever blend of contemporary ballet and hip hop, the show [...]