Postal rates doubled from August 1
Postal charges are to be increased from August 1 – with the normal letter postage charge going up from Rs. 5 to Rs. 10 and the business mail (20 gram) rate from Rs. 5 to Rs. 15, Post Master General Rohana Abeysinha said yesterday. He said the postal rates had been not been revised for the past six years and the Government had therefore decided to increase them now. The rates for parcel post would be increased from the Rs. 50 for 500 grams to Rs. 90. Thereafter an additional Rs. 20 would have to be paid for every 250 grams.
The charges for bulk mail (mail bag) service would be increased from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 7,500 annually. Mr. Abeysinha said that though there was a drop in general mail, the volume of commercial mail had increased.