Mirror Magazine
A different take on a Shakespearean classic

Breaking down the misnomers surrounding Shakespearean drama and putting on a fun-filled show for audiences to revel in is what the drama troupe from Gateway College hope to achieve as the cast ready themselves to take on what will be their biggest challenge this year – ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream: The Musical’. The play follows [...]
Promising start up by Moratuwa Uni undergraduates
Soft Beetles – the latest start up from two promising young undergraduates of the University of Moratuwa, Faculty of Information Technology, is a company that has a vision to solve problems that affect university students . Working with one of the premier start-up guidance programmes in Sri Lanka, MIT Global Start-up Labs (GSL) 2014 powered [...]
Switching onto dance

At the Deanna School of Dancing (DSD) it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been actually dancing. What does matter is dedication to the form and absolute, unerring commitment for getting it right. We’re watching a small group rehearse an African tribal number and from the intense look of concentration it’s clear these girls are aiming [...]
Crafting life skills
Using the creative arts as a platform to develop life skills is what ‘Camp Kreativ’ is aiming at as five professionals prepare to bring the camp to life with their expertise . Conducting sessions in drama, dance, music, photography, cinematography and film-making – the team aspire to foster a spirit of learning, camaraderie and creative thinking [...]