Quran: Understanding this vast treasure to all humanity
All praise belongs to Allah, we extol him, seek his help and his forgiveness.
Al-Quran! What a profound and inspiring book is this Quran that Allah has gifted to humanity. “Read” is the very first word that commanded humanity. It is remarkably significant that the starting point of Islam starts with the word ‘Read!’ This indicates that striving after knowledge and understanding it in the correct perspective has been emphasized in the Quran.

Ramadan Festival falls this week
Almighty Allah-the great teacher commanded us in His Quran to read. Why? Isn’t it reading that opened vistas of great intellectual heritage long before the advent of electronic media, television etc. Allah says, “Indeed there has come to you from Allah a light-Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. and a plain book this Quran for those who seek His good pleasure ways of peace and he brings them out of darkness by His will into light and guides them to the straightway” (5.15, 16
The word Quran is derived from the word “Ikra” which in Arabic means to recite, read; for research of self-knowledge spiritual understanding and all sciences. The Quran also has other names such as Al Hudha.
The Quran was revealed in pure Arabic language at a time when, men in Arabia needed guidance. But the revelations are so unique that they are for all times and for all mankind. As Allah says (ch:41:1) this is a book which we have revealed unto you in order that you might lead mankind out of darkness into light, by their Lord’s leave”.
At the same time Allah proclaims in Sura 2:256 “Let there be no compulsion in religion.” Even in the field of religion, Islam has kept open the door of free thinking – for, religion is based on faith and free will’.
The Quran contains all secular and moral laws that can guide mankind to lead a righteous life. There is nothing that the Quran has not elucidated. It admonishes the people on orphans and women (suras 4:2 and 4:4) to give to the orphans their property and not exchange your bad things for their good ones “and devour not their sustenance by adding it to your substance- surely this is a great sin. “
“Let not the enmity and hatred for others make you avoid justice (5:8), give the woman whom you marry their “Mahr” (obligatory money given by the husband to his wife at the time of marriage) with a good heart.’
Allah gave man the capacity to learn, which he did not give to the angels and other creatures. That’s the reason why the Prophet motivated us with the profound saying “One hour of meditation on the work of the Creator is better than seventy years of prayer.”
“And be moderate in your walking and lower your voice. Verily the harshest of all voices is the braying of the ass” (31, 17, 18, 19)
The Quran gently recommends: “Oh you who believe? Spend of the good things which you have legally earned (2:167). Also “If the debtor is in difficulty, then grant him time.”
“Who is he that will lend to Allah a goodly loan so that he may multiply it for him many times? And it is Allah ‘that increases or decreases your provisions” (2:245).
The Quran is the standing miracle of the Prophet – the Prophet and his companions lived the life taught in the Quran. Didn’t Allah emphasize in Sura 32:21 “Indeed in the messenger of Allah you have a good example to follow”.
It is beyond any human to write about the wealth of information the Quranic wisdom reveals to us. Be it seeking knowledge secular, research or any other sphere, the Quran encourages us to delve deeply into the realms of the secrets of the universe– the origin of life, of space, the alternation of the day and night, astronomy the human embryo various things that are manifest. Subahanallah!
Today the so called civilized nations are trying to solve the injustice of-racial discrimination. Fourteen centuries ago, the Quran upheld the equality, dignity and fraternity of Man in such a sublime way! “…and what will make you know the path that is steep? It’s freeing a slave” (90:112).
The most appealing verse to me is “Reverence God through whom you demand your mutual rights and reverence the wombs that bore you (kinship). For Allah is ever an all’ Watcher, over you” (4:1)
We can never elucidate the vast area of knowledge this majestic treasure beams to us and humanity. In all humility I wish my readers the same happiness in the ‘reading of this article as it has been mine in writing it to honour the blessed month of Ramadan.
Wishing everyone a Happy Ramadan and Id!