Voice.Print is set to take the stage on August 14, at the Hilton Colombo with their new concert – ‘Sounds Like; Voice.Print’. The first full concert in almost five years for the group. Voice.Print in a statement recently revealed what audiences could expect from their upcoming concert. On engaging the audience People come for concerts [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

Getting the crowd on their feet

Voice.Print on their upcoming show

Voice.Print is set to take the stage on August 14, at the Hilton Colombo with their new concert – ‘Sounds Like; Voice.Print’. The first full concert in almost five years for the group. Voice.Print in a statement recently revealed what audiences could expect from their upcoming concert.

On engaging the audience
People come for concerts and expect to ‘sit, listen and go’. It is tough for the Colombo audience to understand what we are expecting from them when they come to see a concert. We have a group of people who want to get up and rock at the back but there are others who want to sit and listen as well. However, we are trying to loosen things up a little bit. For instance, if you feel like it, move your chair aside, get up and dance. We would make sure that you get that chance to stand up and dance. We would make sure that from the start, it is going to be loud music. Don’t expect the first set of songs to be very quiet.

On Song selections -
We have selected songs from artists who have inspired us. We have songs from Toto, Michael Jackson, some Sri Lankan artists, Boyz II Men and we have also touched on some radical mash-up songs. We are also doing songs which were traditionally performed by groups like ABBA. So we are taking an ABBA song and mashing it with a popular rock song. We do not want to give much away.

For instance, we are taking a Phil Collins song and having a full band kind of essence added to it so we want that entire rock feeling. Plus, we are working with a band who is also very close to us; ‘The Rebels’. They also studied with us in the same school and they have been supporting our music and we have been supporting theirs. It has been one of their dreams and as well as ours to play together. Some of these songs are their favourites. So it is going to be lot of fun.

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