The Walauwa in Noble Park has quickly etched its reputation as one of the most sought after venues in Melbourne if you are looking to have a great meal accompanied by music, entertainment and other side attractions. In its infancy, after the former Sandown Regency Hotel was bought over by four businessmen with a view [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

Cricket World Cup in Sri Lankan Walauwa in Melbourne


The Walauwa in Noble Park has quickly etched its reputation as one of the most sought after venues in Melbourne if you are looking to have a great meal accompanied by music, entertainment and other side attractions.

In its infancy, after the former Sandown Regency Hotel was bought over by four businessmen with a view that has a distinctly Sri Lankan slant, the Walauwa has been an instant hit as a cool venue to hang out at if you wanted a weekend to savour the best Sri Lankan style hospitality outside home. But its piece-de resistance will be delivered on August 22 when a sellout crowd, (IT IS already sold out), will throng the venue to grab a glimpse of the Cricket World Cup which will see the best teams in the world compete for in Australia and New Zealand next year.

The Cup which is the ultimate achievement for cricketers worldwide will make it way to the Walauwa thanks to the generosity of the International Cricket Conference (ICC) whose aim it is to involve all ethnic groups domiciled in Australia that are competing to win it in this part of the globe.

The wide spread ripple effect will provide the ICC to be the attraction of thousands of cricket mad Sri Lankans to the next episode of the World Cup to be staged in Australia and New Zealand.

Sri Lankans in both the southern hemisphere nations are known for their vociferous support of the team from their native homeland and the colour and rancour they provide has not gone unnoticed in this part of the world.

ICC’s cricket authority for the ethnic groups in Australia, Johann Jayasinghe said that it is more than meritorious that Sri Lanka’s connection in Australia will be afforded the rare opportunity of showcasing Cricket’s biggest prize among some of the biggest names associated with the game at the popular venue, the Walauwe in one of the many promotional ventures for the World Cup promotion.

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