Mirror Magazine
In search of an identity

Thisuri Wanniarachchi who recently launched her second novel shares with Shaveen Jeewandara the insights that gave her work its life. “Who are you, if nobody knows your story?” Thalya, the terrorist’s daughter, asks the world as she embarks on a mission to find her true identity. Taken away from her roots at an early age, Thalya [...]
Winning the rat race
For many of us our early education was a never ending rat race to keep up with syllabuses, homework, exams and the inevitable tuition classes. Looking back at my O level years what I remember most vividly is not the material that I was studying but rather the preparation leading up to the dreaded public exams [...]
A man of many faces

We loved Robin Williams. We loved him for the joy he brought to his work, the twinkle in his eye but equally for the villains he played, the disquieting evil in a familiar face. Such an accomplished actor, he won five Grammys, four Golden Globes, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, two Emmys, and an Oscar [...]