At 87 kg, he has a lot to smile about!

The young couple is smiling and whispering to each other. Plans are being made to tie the nuptial knot next year. The young man is smart and the young woman pretty. This was, however, not the picture just eight months ago. The groom-to-be was 144 kilos up to November 30, last year, an unforgettable day [...]
Information about inflammation
This month, we continue our new series about the most common diagnostic tests. Here Prof. Shyam Fernando, a consultant physician and Professor in Medicine looks at CPR and ESR, among the most common blood tests. Read on to discover what these tests actually entail, how they are applied and what role they play in allowing [...]
Beauty may not be skin deep but infection is

The number of people going to beauty salons, both young and old, men and women, is increasing day by day. We also see TV programme focusing on the beneficial effect of beauty treatments, even though the beauticians offering advice on skin and hair care are not qualified medical personnel, posing potential risks to unsuspecting viewers. [...]
When jealousy messes up your mind

What do Agatha Christie’s ‘Curtain’, Daphne de Maurier’s ‘My Cousin Rachel’ and William Shakespeare’s ‘Othello’ have in common? They are all wonderful stories and their common theme is jealousy. In all three somebody dies as a consequence of jealousy. The first two stories are not so well known and I will not reveal their plot [...]
No more pelvic pain

Pain, debilitating pain, not for a day or two, but daily. The person who is affected is not just anyone, but the pivot around whom the home revolves. This chronic pelvic pain affects the wife and mother, making her literally disabled and leading to a complete disruption in the running of the home, while also having [...]
The procedure step by step
After putting the patient to sleep with anaesthesia, the steps taken by the team performing the laparoscopic procedure, according to Dr. Silva are: Initially carbon-dioxide (CO2) gas is pumped into the abdomen to expand it.Thereafter, three to four tiny five-mm incisions (cuts) are made on the abdomen including the belly-button and a thin medical telescope [...]
Cravings and meanings!
Fantasising about French fries? Your body could be trying to tell you something. While we all get peckish, there’s a difference between feeling hungry and having a sudden urge for a specific food. In fact, intense food cravings can be a sign you’re deficient in certain nutrients. So, the next time you have a craving, pay attention [...]
A problem that many don’t like to talk about
Fecal incontinence refers to the involuntary loss of gas or liquid stool (called minor incontinence) or the involuntary loss of solid stool (called major incontinence). Surveys indicate that it affects between 2 and 7 percent of the general population, although the actual incidence may be much higher since many people are hesitant to discuss this [...]
The first things about First Aid

What happens in the ‘Golden Hour’ following an emergency is quite literally a matter of life and death. Look at it in that perspective and you’re less likely to think of an ambulance simply as a quick mode of transport to the hospital. In fact, a really good Emergency Medical Service (EMS) won’t waste a [...]