Fantasising about French fries? Your body could be trying to tell you something. While we all get peckish, there’s a difference between feeling hungry and having a sudden urge for a specific food. In fact, intense food cravings can be a sign you’re deficient in certain nutrients. So, the next time you have a craving, pay attention [...]

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Cravings and meanings!


Fantasising about French fries? Your body could be trying to tell you something. While we all get peckish, there’s a difference between feeling hungry and having a sudden urge for a specific food. In fact, intense food cravings can be a sign you’re deficient in certain nutrients. So, the next time you have a craving, pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you .

What it means: Chocolate is rich in magnesium, so strong cravings could indicate a deficiency in a mineral vital for your skin and hair.
What’s more, levels of the mineral drop during the second half of your menstrual cycle, suggesting a possible link with many of the symptoms of PMS.
‘Drinking too much alcohol, tea, coffee and fizzy drinks can also deplete levels of magnesium,’ says Nicola Lowe, professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Central Lancashire.

Try: If it has to be chocolate, opt for one that contains at least 75 per cent cocoa, as this will contain more magnesium and less sugar.
Nuts are actually a richer source, particularly Brazils. Leafy green veg are also good, as are brown rice, wholemeal bread, and pumpkin seeds.

What it means: Bizarrely, craving ice is sometimes a sign you have anaemia and your body is deficient in iron.
‘Doctors aren’t sure why exactly,’ says Professor Lowe, ‘but it may be that ice helps relieve the painful inflammation in the mouth that can be a symptom.’
Nearly half of us aren’t eating enough iron, according to The UK’s National Diet and Nutrition Survey, and heavy periods also put women at increased risk.
Try: The best source of iron is red meat, as it’s more easily absorbed than plant sources such as wholemeal bread, figs, apricots, spinach, broccoli and lentils. Sardines are a good choice, too.

What it means: You could be deficient in chromium. ‘This mineral works alongside insulin to facilitate the uptake of glucose from the blood into the cells of the body,’ says Professor Lowe.
‘In fact, studies in diabetic patients show chromium can help level out erratic blood sugar levels.’
Try: Reaching for sweets when you feel low on sugar actually makes the problem worse, as it causes the body to produce insulin, which leads to a sugar crash. Instead, eat plenty of chromium-rich liver, kidney, beef, chicken, carrots, potatoes, broccoli, asparagus, wholegrains, and eggs and you won’t have those afternoon energy slumps in the first place.

What it means: Craving meat can be a sign your body needs iron, but may also mean you’re low on zinc. ‘Mild zinc deficiency is increasingly common in the UK, as people tend to eat less red meat now,’ explains Professor Lowe.
‘The mineral plays an important role in immune function, among other things, so, if you’re running low, you’ll be more susceptible to colds and flu.’
Zinc is also vital to cell division and healthy skin, hair and nails. A good reason to throw a burger on the barbecue.
Try: Red meat is the best source, but shellfish, lentils, spinach, pumpkin seeds, cheese and wholemeal bread are also good.

What it means: Constant carb cravings can be a sign you’re low in the amino acid tryptophan.
‘The body needs this to synthesise the mood-regulating brain chemical serotonin,’ explains Dr Lowe.
‘A lack of it can lead to low mood, anxiety and problems sleeping.

Though carbohydrates don’t contain tryptophan, research suggests increased blood sugar means more tryptophan is shuttled to the brain.’
Try: Upping your protein intake may help curb your carb cravings — and improve your mood.
Good sources of tryptophan include turkey, milk, eggs, cashews, walnuts, cottage cheese and bananas.

© Daily Mail, London

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