Sunday Times 2
JASTECA and METI mark 30-year relationship
View(s):At the recent meeting held in Colombo between Japan Sri Lanka Technical and Cultural Association ( JASTECA) and the visiting Senior Vice Minister of the Ministry of Economy Trade and Industry( METI) Japan Mr , Jasteca conveyed their gratitude to the visiting minister for extending support to train over 3500 Sri Lankan managers s in Japan with the help of JASTECA’s parent body , The Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Association ( HIDA ) Japan.

Senior Vice Minister of Economy and Trade and Industry (METI) Mr. Kazuyoshi Akaba was presented a plaque by President of Japan Sri Lanka Technical and Cultural Association (JASTECA) Athulla Edirisinghe to commemorate the 30-year relationship of JASTECA Sri Lanka and METI, during his recent visit to Sri Lanka. Also in the picture are Nihal Seneviratne, Dayasiri Warnakulasooriya Ambassador for Japan in Sri Lanka Nobuhito Hobo, LAl De Alwis and Eerty kulatilake
At this meeting President of Jasteca Athulla Edirisinghe , offered reciprocal support to METI Japan in developing and strengthening Sri Lankan Human Resources to meet the increasing demand for Care Givers and other skilled categories of manpower needed in Japan.
Discussion also covered import areas such as the support JASTECA can offer in the sphere of locating appropriate Sri Lankan trade partners for Japanese SMEs who are eagerly looking for new investment opportunities overseas under the dynamic vision and philosophy – ABEYNOMICS the economic policies advocated by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan .
Follow up on the discussions is expected to take place in Tokyo during October 2014. -
Jasteca’s contribution has helped Sri Lankan communities to benefit in an unprecedented manner in Education, Vocational Training, Management and Health Care.
Jasteca has been the pioneering and leading organisation that had introduced Japanese Management Systems such as 5S, Kaizen to so many hundreds of Sri Lankan organisations in both private and government sector in Sri Lanka. Apart from the introduction of 5S, Jasteca has taken an active part in training in human resource development to a large number of managers from private sector companies as well and Government organisations. These Sri Lankans have been dispatched by JASTECA on a multitude of training programmes on Entrepreneurship, Industrial Management, General Management, Banking, Corporate Leadership, IT and Technical training coordinated by Jasteca’s parent Body HIDA Japan.