SL-New Zealand association keen to enhance bi-lateral trade
View(s):The recent 19th Annual General Meeting of the Sri Lanka – Australia – New Zealand Business Council (SLANZBC) of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce held in Colombo recently focused on ways of improving trade and investment between the two countries.
Addressing the members, association President Lionel D. C. Silva (Chairman, Lidechsi Group of Companies) who was re-elected for the term 2014-2015 stressed that the council will engage in bilateral trade promotion activities with the support of High Commission of Australia and New Zealand Consulate in Sri Lanka whilst maintaining a good rapport with the Board of Investments of Sri Lanka, Department of Commerce, Export Development Board and AUSTRADE.
He briefly spelled out some of the most significant activities the council had engaged in throughout the previous year which included the Interactive Discussion Session on Doing Business with Australia organized by the SLANZBC in April 2013, the Executive Committee’s meeting with the Australian Minister of Foreign affairs Julie Bishop, etc.
Mark Francis, Executive Director of Malship Ceylon Ltd; Ms. Ramya Weerakoon, Vice President – Business Development of Infotechs Ltd; Manjula Lanerolle, Managing Director, Glolan International (Pvt) Ltd; and Ms. Kishani Seneviratne, Jt. Managing Directress, Westmann Engineering Co. Ltd. were elected as Vice Presidents of the Council, respectively.
Senaka Silva, Honorary Consul for New Zealand; Dr. Lakshman Jayaweera, Chairman, Board of Investment of Sri Lanka; Shameel Javadh, Country Manager, Australian Trade Commission and Ms. Samaji Seneviratne will elected to serve as Honarary Members.
The event was graced by Ms. Sonya Koppe, Actg. High Commissioner of Australia in Sri Lanka and Michael Appleton, Deputy High Commissioner for New Zealand – India Office. Congratulating Mr. Lionel Silva and the Committee, Ms. Koppe appreciated the SLANZBC’s role in hosting and facilitating business delegations.

Association President Lionel D. C. Silva (right) hands over a token of appreciation to the acting Australian High Commissioner.