Mirror Magazine
Beating the school holiday blues

To beat the holiday blues we’ve put together a list of things you could be doing (apart from staring in front of the television or PC) this school holiday season. Set off on an adventure You’ll have plenty of options to choose from here. Little Adventures in particular offers one day excursions to wild and [...]
Searching for the good life
It is not uncommon that many students who study abroad wish to settle down in those respective countries in the hope of better jobs and to have careers they feel that they deserve. Being a student currently studying abroad, it is one of the regular questions I receive both by classmates as well as friends [...]
A new dawn for Gaming
The passers-by of an innocuous little white house -wedged in between Flower Road and Duplication Road- are quite unaware that they’re actually walking past a portal to a whole new world. Inside, a dozen LED screens flicker with busy designers behind them – painting out the details that give birth to new video games, making [...]
Surfs Up

Surfers flocked to the East as the second leg of Red Bull’s Ride My Wave Surfing Championship came alive in Arugam Bay. Pix by Amila Gamage.