This toddler needs help for operation
The Sunday Times of August 10 highlighted the plight of Yasiru , a hearing impaired but a very bright youngster. He urgently needs an operation for a cochlear implant and in response to the published appeal, kind donors contributed generously.
But more is needed. “We were able to raise four lakhs but we need another four lakhs of rupees for the implant,” said his mother Daya.
Daya and her son had come from Embilipitiya to the Wijeya Newspapers office to ask for help through the papers for an operation to be done at the Lady Ridgeway Children’s Hospital (LRH). “The cost of the operation is Rs.1,800,000 and it will be performed by Dr.K.D.R.A. Kirihena, Consultant ENT Surgeon, LRH,” she said, adding, “The operation has to be performed before the child is three and a half years old because the brain is fully developed by then.” Yasiru turned three on August 10.
Daya appeals to kind people to help her son. Her account number is 245-2-001-2-0049307 (K.L.H.Dayawathi) at People’s Bank, Godakavela. Her address is K.L.H. Dayawathi, No.242, Thiththavalpatha Road, Kosvatiya, Pallabedde( via Ratnapura) and she can be contacted on 0713654625 (mobile).