Mirror Magazine
Quirky and colourful offerings at Whatever Studio By Duvindi Illankoon

At the ‘Whatever Studio’ you could find a bottle of olive oil next to an exquisitely worked batik shawl and not blink an eye. The studio’s quirky, colourful spirit is about capturing stuff, and while the space is tiny and rather cramped, it’s packed to the brim with gorgeous little knick knacks that make for [...]
Finding time for others

It’s not easy juggling commitments with many people demanding your time and attention, assignments for university, deadlines at work and of course commitments towards friends and family. It’s getting increasingly harder to find any ‘ME’ time where you can do something for yourself, to relax. But along the rocky path of learning how to balance [...]
A dazzling mix of choral styles

This month the Cantabile School of Singing will return to the stage after a two year hiatus with ‘Dazzle-In a Singing Style’ at the Bishop’s College auditorium. Directed by Prashalini Peiris, the choristers-both young and old-will explore a range of genres with this show as they also celebrate the school’s 10 year anniversary. Prashalini formed [...]