Discipline and fair play in decline
The teams turned out orderly and well dressed pleased me. I like to see our players in the field wearing nice, expensive jerseys shorts and the stocking pulled up with shin guards not falling down. This is a good sign for fair-play. Don’t forget neatness and respect for other people are an important part of fair play.
The wonderful game of football has in recent time been witnessed with so many disputes and controversial between the players and the referees. There are instance where the coaches, club officials and supporters too got involved in open grounds.

Football referees the world over do a thankless task and Sri Lanka is no exception - File pic
Unruly and un-sporty behaviour among players both on and off the field has increased alarmingly. During our playing days we never doubted the referee’s decision, leaving alone question or challenge him. Today, not only do the players frequently question the referee, they challenge, openly insult and some instance even assault them. Situation has now gone beyond control. Such incidents take place mainly due to the ignorance of the laws of the game and it interpretation. I would suggest that the Controlling Body through periodical seminars and workshops educate players, coaches and referees, the interpretation and application of the laws of the game. To educate club officials and spectators on this subject the Controlling Body could use the media such as T.V, radio and newspapers. This will certainly help us to minimize violence in the playing field.
Decades ago many football games have been played in open grounds without a semblance of violence as we find today. These were due to strict disciplinary measures and effective venue management by the dedicated officials. The present day officials are only before cameras at a cup final.
Football violence can be conventionally and effectively curbed by strict procedures laid down by the World Controlling Body (FIFA) to make the game free of hazards.
The violence and the putrid standard of the game that you see in and out of the field are the results of the in efficiencies and the mismanagement by the so-called superstars of the past who are ignorant of the laws of game and ethics of football, those who failed to maintain discipline and ethics during their playing days. How can such individuals, who appear as match coordinator, earn respect in front of public eyes? Until and unless the Controlling Body appoints proper people to do the job, the semblance of sanity will never be changed.
Protest against decisions of referees, removing the jerseys by the players in the field, Coaches walking out of the technical areas without the permission of the referee, fist cuffs on the football, hooting and using obscene language by the spectators and like are common in our football games now.
Are players aware that to be a “sportsman” on and off, the field , they will have to display qualities of doing one’s best justify if possible to win , yet willing accept defeat honourably.
The players must understand they play the game purely to entertain the crowd who witness the game, without playing and behaving to the gallery. The club officials on the other hand must stop a warlike competition of aiming only a victory, hook or by crook, even dishonestly and destructively as seen in the bull- fighting arenas.
Our players especially those playing for the country as sport’s ambassadors should be taught discipline by the coaches in addition to proper technical training, awareness of the interpretation and application of the law of the game, to always maintained good sportsmanship qualities of accepting defeat honourably, yet playing at one’s best and showing efforts, perseverance and maturity and agreeing to disagree gentlemanly even in defeat.
The world Controlling Body (FIFA) has made many amendments of the laws of the game which the players, coaches, club officials and the spectators are not aware of these revisions. This is the main cause for all the disputes and controversies in the football field at present.
Adding to the misery some referees were not able to perform their tasks adequately and did not respect the rules of the game. Most games are lost today by one side, because referees get it wrong. To be frank the present refereeing standard has deteriorated drastically. The violence and the putrid standard of the game that you see are the results of the inefficiencies of the referees. Further due to the ignorant of the laws of the game and its interpretation by the coaches, club officials and supporters.
The Controlling Body is not doing much to encourage referees to become qualified and not enough importance has yet been to the essentiality of uniformity in control techniques and interpretation of the laws of the game, particularly in regard to offside, foul play and handball.
To recognise when a players is feigning injury, or is trying to exaggerate the gravity of an injury or still trying to grab an undue advantage through unfair means, the referee necessarily must possess a degree of alertness, observance, vigilance, promptness, unbiased and above all prudence and tact which calls for a great deal of personal discipline.
No doubt football referees the world over perform a thankless task. Ours is no exception, for many have shed their flesh and blood to keep the game in its entire splendor. These law enforcement officers have steadfastly upheld the ideas of sportsmanship, and time and again performed their duty without fear or favour. Football in this country would never have survived, leave alone developed or been promoted, if not for the extremely vital role played by the referees. We in this country have been fortunate to possess a good number of quality referees down the years and as a result the sport has been kept comparatively clean and healthy. However, to be frank, the present referring standard has deteriorated drastically. The violence pave way to the hooligans to have a day on and off the field are the results of unqualified and inefficient referring.
Here the Controlling Body has a responsibility to educate the referees and give them, adequate protection to do the job properly. Further the coaches too have an important role to players, in educating the players about the interpretation and appliance of the laws of the game, also to maintain discipline on and off the field.
The Controlling Body should appoint qualified neutral referees particularly at first division club matches and do away with the home-based referees entirely. This would eliminate questions in the minds of players and they would respect the decisions made by neutral referees because question of doubt would not arise as there would be no home-based (and perhaps, biased) referees. When the home-based referee makes a decision, particularly on off-side, foul play and hand ball most players think that the referee is biased and here begins the problem.
In fact some referees frequently use the yellow cards followed by a red card, with the aim of bringing the game under his control. This action is unjust and unfair and pushes a well trained team to a receiving end, particularly in a crucial encounter. Is it not essential to review“Sportsmanship” and discipline on and off the field? While rights and privilege of the players should be protected. It is an obligation too on the players, coaches, club officials and spectators also to adhere to it.