The Arpeggio Creative Dance Academy was in India recently, under the guidance of ACDA dance guru Nilan Maligaspe. The tour sponsored by the Indo-Sri Lanka dance exchange programme, has helped Lankan dancers to exchange expertise in these cultural aspects during the past four years. The main cultural programme was held in August at the MIMC [...]

The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka

Arpeggio team shines in India


The Arpeggio Creative Dance Academy was in India recently, under the guidance of ACDA dance guru Nilan Maligaspe. The tour sponsored by the Indo-Sri Lanka dance exchange programme, has helped Lankan dancers to exchange expertise in these cultural aspects during the past four years.

The main cultural programme was held in August at the MIMC Centre in Ladakh highlighting upcountry, low country and peacock dance while Nilan conducted a two day hip hop workshop at the Natya Ballet Centre which was atteneded by participants representing several countries. Programme was coordinated by Ven. Sangasena Thera of the Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre.

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