Mirror Magazine

Kavindu Siavraj from Kandy, a school going photographer recently shared these long exposure photographs with the Mirror Magazine. Kavindu says, “These photos were captured in Kandy town and I used a technique called Light Art where I basically keep my camera still and wave a flashing torch around. Taking the photos were very technical, but the outcome was so [...]
Reaching out to communities

What started out as a simple idea has grown into a social initiative, and earned a top spot in the Harvard Social Innovation Forum, for the members of ‘Without Borders’. Without Borders’ began as a simple initiative spearheaded by two friends, Kavindya Thennekoon and Sakie Ariyawansa. Within a few months it has rapidly evolved into [...]
A tale of old unfolds
Swirling clouds of incense rising over the gates of St. Thomas’ College Mount Lavinia, walking through the mist, theatre goers hoping to watch the Drama Society’s latest efforts are to be given a sense of travelling back in time to Greece. Fire torches marking the path to their seats around the Chapel Steps where The [...]
Gearing up for the Sri Lanka Robotics Challenge

Sri Lanka Robotics Challenge (SLRC) organized by the Electronic club of the University of Moratuwa has earned a reputation as a sort after event on the technology calendar amongst those in the university community. iNexus was how it was initially launched, and entrusted with the responsibility of selecting competent Sri Lankan youngsters for the international [...]