Mirror Magazine
Taking aim at paintballing

The thickets of the jungle bring about an eerie sense of realisation that someone is watching you. A few cracks of the foliage beneath your boots makes you nervous, as you breathe heavy under the mask. Suddenly, there’s ghostly movement. It’s too late. Just as you prepare to take aim there’s heavy splatter all around [...]
Oh when the Saints…
Huddled around the piano at Allen Perera’s residence, The Saints are warming-up for their latest appearance. Making a name for themselves in the past 8 years, this will be the 9th annual concert for the seasoned set. Coming from schools named after saints the group started out as just a “five piece band” recalls President [...]
Musical symphony of movie themes

In a bid to support the Symphony Orchestra of Sri Lanka (SOSL) towards the development of western classical music in the country HSBC once again sponsored the SOSL Outreach Concert last month. The SOSL performed a free concert for students of music from over 35 schools in and out of Colombo. The hall was packed [...]
Change of guard
She closed her book and took in the blueness around her. The cloudless, azure sky. Translucent aqua marine sea. She picked up a handful of the white, fine sand, like talcum powder, and let it fall on her bare legs. Everything around her was like an open invitation to spend the day outdoors. And that’s [...]