Moved by Buddhist monk’s work at Yala, family donates bowser
Moved by the plight of the animals at the Yala National Park a family from Nawala, Rajagiriya has donated a brand new water bowser to the

The family hands over the bowser to Ven. Mataramba Hemarathana Thera
Elephants, deer and monkeys were badly affected by the nine-month drought prevalent in the Hambantota District. Many died of thirst and their carcasses were found in different parts of the park.
In a bid to assist these animals the Sithulpawwa Rock Temple Chief Incumbent Ven. Mataramba Hemarathana Thera initiated a novel project to provide food and water for the animals. The Sunday Times published a series of articles on the success of this project and

Filling a manmade ‘water hole’ with water from the bowser for the animals
many animal lovers stepped in to help the thera and his team.
The latest act of generotiy took place last Sunday when K. P. Wijeweera and his wife Jayanthi Wijeweera along with their three children Nisha, Dilini and Lasantha travelled all the way to Yala to donate a water bowzer, that was needed to transport water into the jungle.Ven. Mataramba Hemarathana Thera was transporting water through in bouncers.
“When we saw the news about the animals we did what was necessary. When the animals are in difficulties they can’t shout out or protest. This bowser can be used in the future when and if another drought hits people and animals,” the Wijeweera family said thanking the Sunday Times for the series of articles.