Under the ‘Deyata Kirula’ in the Batticaloa district, 16 Computer Labs were declared open by the Deputy Minister of Telecommunications & Information Technology, Prabha Ganeshan, this week. The first Lab was set up at the Vakarai Vammivettuvan Maha Vidyalaya on Tuesday. Principal, S. Inthiran, Vakarai Divisional Secretary Mrs S. Rajagulanayagi and Kalkudah Zonal Education Director [...]


16 Computer Labs in Batticaloa district under Deyata Kirula


Under the ‘Deyata Kirula’ in the Batticaloa district, 16 Computer Labs were declared open by the Deputy Minister of Telecommunications & Information Technology, Prabha Ganeshan, this week. The first Lab was set up at the Vakarai Vammivettuvan Maha Vidyalaya on Tuesday. Principal, S. Inthiran, Vakarai Divisional Secretary Mrs S. Rajagulanayagi and Kalkudah Zonal Education Director S. Srikirishnaraja graced the occasion.  Deva Achchudan.

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