The Ministry of Higher Education has embarked on transforming the Higher Education system to facilitate the establishment of both State and private sector universities through a quality drive competition, said a recently released Government report. The Central Bank (CB) Report released last month on Recent Economic Developments: 2014 Highlights & Prospectus 2015, said that, during [...]


State, Private sector Higher Education to compete through’ Quality drive: CB Report


The Ministry of Higher Education has embarked on transforming the Higher Education system to facilitate the establishment of both State and private sector universities through a quality drive competition, said a recently released Government report.

The Central Bank (CB) Report released last month on Recent Economic Developments: 2014 Highlights & Prospectus 2015, said that, during the first half of this year, approval was granted to the SANASA campus limited to award Bachelor’s Degrees in Banking, Insurance, Risk Management and Regional Science & Planning.

This increases the total number of institutions with Degree-conferring status to 13.

The Report said that 7 other institutions seeking Degree-awarding status are under institutional review.

It added that, the non-State Higher Education Sector division in the Ministry of Higher Education, in keeping with the directives of the Standing Committee on Accreditation & Quality Assurance (SCAQA), has taken steps to establish a database to launch a comprehensive mechanism to monitor the performance of Degree-awarding institutions.

Meanwhile, University admissions continued to be monitored by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and approval granted to 11 External Degrees programmes, 3 new Undergraduate Degree programmes and 7 new Postgraduate programmes, during the first half of 2014.

The UGC also approved the establishment of 7 new Departments, Faculties and Units, based on the recommendations of SCAQA, the Report added.

The Report said that 7 other institutions seeking Degree-awarding status are under institutional review.

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