The Western Provincial Council has allocated Rs 95 million for development of school infrastructure for the next year, WP Education Secretary, M.A.B. Daya Senarath told the Education Times. He said, under this project, Principals will be required to send in their project proposals and the Provincial Education Ministry will fund 50% of the project in [...]


WPC allocates Rs 95 million for Schools’ Infrastructure


The Western Provincial Council has allocated Rs 95 million for development of school infrastructure for the next year, WP Education Secretary, M.A.B. Daya Senarath told the Education Times.

He said, under this project, Principals will be required to send in their project proposals and the Provincial Education Ministry will fund 50% of the project in slabs of Rs 50,000, Rs 100,000, up to a maximum of Rs 150,000.

The balance funds will have to be raised through the respective School’s Development Society, or some other source, for the project.

“On completion of the project, the school will need to submit evidence of same,” he said.

He said, through this programme, they hope to achieve more than Rs 300 million worth of development.

“We have called for project reports from schools in the three districts,” he added. (DW)

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