In order to promote further awareness, the TRT Group has organised a “mixed-collegiate cricket 6’s” to be worked off at the CH&FC grounds on Sunday November 23. The unique feature of this event will be that all participating teams will have at least one player from each college. The day will also feature the usual [...]

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

Past students of Trinity, Royal and S.Thomas’ forms ‘TRT Group’ to be ‘united by tradition’


In order to promote further awareness, the TRT Group has organised a “mixed-collegiate cricket 6’s” to be worked off at the CH&FC grounds on Sunday November 23. The unique feature of this event will be that all participating teams will have at least one player from each college. The day will also feature the usual carnival atmosphere traditionally prevalent at gatherings of these fraternities, with several fairground attractions, fun and games for the whole family; whilst the “not so young” Old Boys, Trinitians, Royalists and Thomians will be making up joint-teams to compete against other similar teams in a league format.

The “TRT Group”, since its formation has become the subject of conversation amongst several circles for many reasons. It is made up of “like minded” Old Boys from the “Troytho” fraternities, past students Trinity College, Kandy, Royal College, Colombo 7 and S. Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia (and its affiliated schools at Kollupitiya, Gurutalawa and Bandarawela), who have found a shared common interest and consensus to be so organised into a group; having identified a need to build-on and nurture their mutual bonds of congeniality, traditionally shared amongst these three institutions and to provide for a common forum for them to so engage – hence their joint motto “United by Tradition”!

Full membership of the TRT Group is open to any past student of the aforementioned schools who has been educated therein for not less than two (02) years at least and had left the school at least 10 years prior to the date of seeking membership. There is also provision for those in their younger years (not having reached such seniority) to join as an Associate Member until reaching such maturity, at which point they will be elevated to full membership. All prospective members are customarily proposed by an existing member and seconded by another.

This event is conducted under the joint guidance of senior TRT Members, Eng. Nahil Wijesuriya (TCK), Chandresa Abhayaratne (RC) & Dr. Nalin Jayasuriya (STC), who are Co-Chairmen of the project. We invite all TRT Old Boys to come with your families and join-in the fun in our traditional fashion on the 23rd. Limited sponsorship opportunities are available for those wishing to partner the event in a commercial capacity, you may do so by contacting one of the undersigned co-conveners OR by emailing us at our group address –
(TCK) Duminda Silva   (RC) Anuja Premarathne  (STC) Chrishmal Warnasuriya
0773-442389   0755-577777   0722-246895
TRT Co – Conveners

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