The Lankan off spinner Sachithra Senanayake who completed the rehabilitation of his bowling action will not be going in for a private screening before being exposed to an ICC re-scrutiny. Earlier it was said that on the recommendations of the Max Academy coaching panel who worked with Senanayake in his comeback had opined that he [...]

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

Senanayake will not be re-tested privately

Women’s cricket probe to begin on Tuesday

The Lankan off spinner Sachithra Senanayake who completed the rehabilitation of his bowling action will not be going in for a private screening before being exposed to an ICC re-scrutiny.

Earlier it was said that on the recommendations of the Max Academy coaching panel who worked with Senanayake in his comeback had opined that he be initially tested once again privately prior to his ICC re-scrutiny.

Ashley de Silva Chief Executive Officer of Sri Lanka Cricket told the Sunday Times that the SLC does not intend sending the Lankan off spinner for a Private screening. He said “We will be requesting the ICC for a date soon to re-scrutinize Senanayake’s bowling action and we hope that we would get a date by the End of this month”.

When asked where they intend sending the bowler in question for the ICC study, de Silva said “We have no control over that. It is the ICC which will decide as to where Senanayake would be directed. “

Senanayake was reported about the illegalities in his bowling action by ICC officials and was sent to the Cardiff University, Wales for scrutiny. There the panel who tested his bowling action found the straightening of his elbow to be more than the ICC stipulated tolerance level of 15 degrees and banned him from bowling at competitive level.

Subsequently Senanayake was sent to the University of Western Australia for rehabilitation before the Max Academy experts had begun their work. Once the Max Academy panel was satisfied, Senanayake made a comeback to top level cricket during the ongoing Mercantile Premier League tournament.

Sex probe to begin on Tuesday

The Sex harassment allegation by a female cricketer against an SLC official which has rocked the Lankan cricket institution will begin on Tuesday.

SLC CEO de Silva said “Attorney at Law Manoli Jinadasa will begin the probe on Tuesday and is scheduled to hand over her report by the seventeenth of this month. Once the report reaches us we will hand it over to the committee which will be appointed by the Minister of Sports for further study”.

Palitha Kumarasinghe PC who is the Chairman of SLC’s Disciplinary Committee as well as the Chairman of SLC’s Legal Advisory Committee had recommended Manoli Jinadasa to inquire into the matter, on the strength of her wide experience in dealing with such matters including sexual harassment.

Kumarasinghe is presently the “Ombudsman” of SriLankan Airlines under the special procedure the company has adopted to deal with sexual harassment matters as part of its HR policy.

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