Remembering Anura Ranasinghe
I read the article remembering Anura Ranasinghe published on 09.11.2014 by LR. While thanking the writer for enlightening a forgotten cricketer I wish to add few facts about him.

Anura Ranasinghe
To begin with it was regretting, the writer missed the name of the Greatest Cricket Coach late Mr. Gerry Gooneratne who coached not only Anura but many Nalandians who later represented Sri Lanka.
Way back in the 1960′s I saw a little boy playing cricket at Kirulapone ground. He was batting with authority and aggression. I was so impressed that I inquired about this boy and met the parents, who were residing adjoining the park. I told Mrs. Ranasinghe that this boy if properly guided will play for Sri Lanka and asked where he is studying. She replied “Sir, he is at Nalanda. You too travel in the same school bus in which my two boys Anura and Aruna travel to school.”
On the following day I went to the junior school. I was teaching in the upper school advanced level classes. I started cricket practices for under 11 cricketers and Anura Ranasinghe was also in the squad. As Anura was very special I invited our senior coach Mr. Gerry Gooneratne to have a look at this boy.
“Chap, Epa, this boy is a FREAK like Sathasivam. Don’t change his natural batting technique. He will be a champion Sri Lankan Cricketer in few years time”. – Words of Wisdom. Mr. Nelson Mendis and Mr. Cecil Gamage also coached this boy.
Anura played in the first World Cup in England in 1975. He was the baby of the tournament. His biggest disappointment was that he could not play in the First Test of Sri Lanka in 1982, as he was not selected. His first test was in late 1982 where he played against India in Chennai. In the first innings he failed miserably. On the same day, there was a dinner hosted for Sri Lanka team by Sri Lanka’s Trade Commissioner in Chennai. I was also invited. As Anura failed, he was trying to avoid me. But later, he came and spoke to me. He said “Meeta Vediya Hondai Gadol addanan” – (“Sir, it would have been much better if I worked with bricks in Sri Lanka”) I told “Anura don’t talk rubbish Cricket is a funny game If you get chance of batting play your normal game, as Gerry Gooneratne taught you.” Anura scored a brilliant 77 hitting all over the park in the second innings.
Unfortunately Anura became a victim of the South African rebel tour in late 1982. Later he told me that it was the biggest mistake he made. This brilliant cricketer who should have captained the Sri Lanka National Team ended his inning on 09th November 1998 at the age of 42 years and 7 days.
An incident still etched in my mind. After the World Cup 1975 he visited me and thanked me, for all what I have done to him to make him a cricketer. He presented me a replica he got it from Queen Elizabeth at Buckingham Palace. I told him “Anura thank you very much, I am not going to accept it. This is a very valuable replica that you should hang in your home for your future wife and children to see.
“I have never seen a Nalandian Cricketer who respected teachers, coaches like Anura Ranasinghe.” His demise is a Great loss for Sri Lanka Cricket. Good night Sweet Prince. May you achieve the Bliss of Nibbana.
Premasara Epasinghe