Cinderella, by the Primary School students of Overseas School

Cinderella, by the Primary School students of Overseas School of Colombo was staged on November 13 and 14, 2014 at the school auditorium. Pix by Anuradha Bandara
Other VC recipients from Ceylon
This is the third of a five-part series commemorating 100 years since the First World War began. November is Remembrance Month, when we remember all those who have lost their lives in war. In addition to Lieutenant Horsfall, there were two other Victoria Cross (VC) recipients from Ceylon. One was Major Stewart Walter Loudoun-Shand VC. [...]
Kids world
A tree speaks I am a Mango tree. I have many mangoes on my branches. The birds are making nests on my branches. My branches are very strong. The birds and squirrel are eating the mangoes. Rusandi Wickramasinghe (Grade 5) Sirimavo Bandaranaike Vidyalaya My grandparents I am blessed with two maternal grandparents. I was born [...]