The steps taken by the Western Province Department of Education to prevent term test paper leaks came in for criticism last week by trade unions. The Department had earlier decided that the Principals of schools within the Province had to present themselves to the Divisional Secretariat office each day, to take charge of the test [...]


Preventing term test paper leaks: Union pooh-poohs measures taken


The steps taken by the Western Province Department of Education to prevent term test paper leaks came in for criticism last week by trade unions.
The Department had earlier decided that the Principals of schools within the Province had to present themselves to the Divisional Secretariat office each day, to take charge of the test papers for their respective schools.

This decision came following a leak in several third term test papers in the Minuwangoda and Negombo areas.

“This solution is completely unpractical. It has come to our attention that the bundles taken from the Divisional Secretariat office had a shortage of papers,

Ceylon Teachers Union Secretary Joseph Stalin said adding that as a result papers had to be photocopied to make up the numbers required and this could create a situation where the papers could still be leaked.

Several schools that are located far away from the respective Divisional Secretariat office are faced with a problem of not being able to start the examination on time.

“This solution is impractical and ridiculous. How can principals be expected to collect these papers from the Divisional Secretariat office each morning? Some schools are located far away from these offices. For example there is a school in Matugama located 54 kilometres from the Divisional Secretariat office. There is another school in Horana that is located 35 kilometres away from the DS office,” Ceylon Teachers’ Services Union (CTSU) Secretary Mahinda Jayasingha said. “We have written to the Chief Minister’s Secretary of the relevant Provincial Council regarding this matter,” he added.

“Previously, instructions were given to lodge a complaint with the CID into the alleged test paper leaks. However, this problem keeps recurring , Mr. Stalin said.

“The Chief Minister of the Western Province has directed his attention to several political activities and as a result he has forgotten his other duties,” he alleged.

He cited the alleged incident where the minister was accused of abusing his power by trying to entice members to join a pro-government union.
“With the minister engaging in such activities, who are we to ask for an inquiry into the said incident?” Mr. Stalin asked.

These term tests are held so that the parents and the teachers could guage each students’ stand. With such paper leaks how can anyone be sure of a proper system? Our education system has collapsed, Mr. Stalin alleged.

Western Province Chief Minister Prasanna Ranatunga was not available for comment.
-Joshua Surendraraj

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