Sunday Times 2
British reporter awaits verdict over Bangladesh war toll
View(s):DHAKA, Nov 29 (AFP) -A Bangladesh court is expected to rule Monday on whether an award-winning British journalist is guilty of contempt after he questioned the assertion that three million people died in the 1971 independence war.
In a case seen as a test of the country’s commitment to free speech, judges will decide if David Bergman acted unlawfully by doubting the official version of one of the most contentious issues in Bangladesh’s short history.

British journalist David Bergman (AFP)
Bergman is the author of a popular blog about Bangladesh’s International Crimes Tribunal, a domestic court which has found several opposition supporters guilty of mass murder over their role in the 1971 conflict.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, whose late father was Bangladesh’s independence icon, has justified the war crimes trials on the grounds that the scale of the bloodshed demands that perpetrators be brought to justice.
Although most of the deaths have been blamed on troops loyal to the regime in Islamabad, Hasina’s government says Bangladeshi militias manned by Islamists were behind some of the most brutal killings, including the massacre of intellectuals.
Critics however say her government has deliberately exaggerated the number of people killed as a way of intimidating her opponents and of countering unease from abroad about a process which lacks any international oversight.
If the government’s official toll is taken as fact, it means that an average 11,000 people died every day in the nine-month conflict which saw the former territory of east Pakistan secede from the regime in Islamabad. In a post in November 2011, Bergman questioned whether there was evidence that supported the official figure and referred to other studies suggesting the real figure may be much lower.
Most independent estimates say the actual toll would be hundreds of thousands.