Town Pigeon and Country Pigeon

A pigeon flew off from the back of a truck when the tarpaulin was taken off so that country produce could be loaded into it. The truck came to the country from a town way off. The pigeon who had got locked in the back of the truck the evening before, flew off and perched [...]
Auntie Avichchie is back!

Welcome to the Birds with Uncle Bird the Birdwatcher (5) There was a loud noise in the garden where all the and demalichchas gathered into a corner greeting someone. With curiosity, Uncle Bird too walked slowly to check what this welcome party was. Seeing Uncle Bird, a demalichcha who was shaking hands with a stocky [...]
Indian Pitta (Avichchiya)

Avichchiya also known as Indian Pitta is a late migrant to our country and a migrant that even settles in our own home gardens. Pitta stays on the ground looking for insects hiding on the leaf litter. The Indian Pitta is a beautiful bird that has a buff coloured crown stripe, black coronal stripes, a [...]
Lotus World

Lotus World is a collaboration of human beings with good will, who aim to achieve and cultivate “Inner Happiness.” Mr. Navin Gooneratne who was the producer of the period cinematic work “Sri Gautama Buddha” and Mr. Gagan Malik who portrayed Prince Siddhartha in the film, partnered up for an initiative that seeks to make the [...]
Kids world
My school My school is Muslim Ladies’ College. There are about 150 teachers and more than 3500 students. My school was started on November 1, 1946. The founder was Sir. Razik Fareed. There were 20 students, 3 teachers and 3 buildings in my school at that time. The present principal is Dr. J. M. K. [...]
Christmas and Graduation

‘The Story of Christmas and Graduation 2014’ by the little students of KinderCare Montessori House of Children was held on November 29, 2014 at the British School auditorium. The concert included an entertaining medley of action songs, choral speeches and dances, and concluded with a Nativity story and Christmas carols. Pix by M. A. Pushpa [...]