View(s):NO WAY!
Still on the same event an official had got on stage and had spoken about a top official in the sporting scene but got his wires crossed and had referred to him as a member of a terrorist organisation! The guests were shocked but just imagine how this official would have felt? These things do happen in this ‘tinny’ island.
A cake costing Rs. One lakh and sixty thousand was cut at a function to honour a certain official. When the organisers were asked why such a huge amount was spent for the cake, they replied that there were 400 guests at the function and they wanted them to be fully satisfied with the function specially the food. The cake cutting ceremony was followed by a dinner which had cost the organisers 1.6 million rupees! All this had been spent for a sport that is struggling to find its feet. What a waste!
News is buzzing that the son of a Big Man was honoured at a recent ‘Colours Nite’ for his performances at performances on the motor car racing. The audience felt that there were at least two other candidates who should have got this award. But what to do they did not have the backing to get such an award. So it was sour grapes all the way.
A big sports event was cancelled due to the shortage of funds. However the organisers said earlier that all the money needed had been passed for this festival. Now what could be the reason to cancel this festival for youth? Could it be that the money passed for this event is being utilised for a big event that is forthcoming?
There is a coach of a sport that is played with shuttles who is being paid a handsome salary of Rs. 60,000 for a month. It so happens that this coach is also attached to the key sports body that is top most in the country and all those who are in the know are wondering how come this coach is attached to two sports bodies and one that is top most in the country!
A Sri Lankan team was overjoyed that they were able to win a Bronze Medal at a sports event in Phuket, Thailand recently. They waited eagerly to be congratulated by the official who had accompanied the team. Later the team came to know that the official and his wife had gone on a shopping spree.