Sunday Times 2
Oh, guardians of the law, act impartially and independently
The Police Department which was known as the Police Force was established for the “effectual protection of person and property”. The Police Ordinance Section 56 under the sub title “Duties and Liabilities of Police Officers” outlines the duty of a Police Officer as:
a) To use his best endeavours and ability to prevent all crimes, offences and public nuisances;
b) To preserve the peace;
c) To detect and bring offenders to justice;
d) To collect and communicate intelligence affecting the public peace.

Law enforcement: Let there be impartiality (file pic)
It is an indictment on the Police Service that during the past so many years many Police Officers have failed to carry out their duties which were mandated by the Police Ordinance. Instances of Police Officers failing to apprehend suspects, failing to arrest offenders and looking away from criminal offences perpetrated in their presence, are many. The sad part of police ineffectiveness in not apprehending the suspects is that whenever the suspects are not known to be connected to any political figures, the Police have acted swiftly to apprehend them and bring them before courts, whereas on the reverse, the Police have been deploying more than one team with little or no results.
When the National Police Commission was functioning under the chairmanship of Ranjith Abeysuriya, no untoward incident took place by way of hijacking ballot boxes, stuffing ballot boxes or any other violent activities. This was because the NPC with the co-operation of the former IGP Indra Silva ensured that police officers deployed for election duty acted impartially and independently.
The run-up to the January 8 presidential election offers the best chance for the Police to erase the bad reputation they have gained during the past so many years.
It is a known fact that police inaction was not due to the incompetence of the officers or their apathy but due to their servility to political masters. Irrespective of party politics, officers must act independently and impartially from now onwards up to the conclusion of the election. It is not an extraordinary or stupendous effort that should be exercised by police officers.
The law pertaining to violence, violation of election laws, criminal acts etc., is very well defined. Police officers deployed on election duties have to, more or less, adhere to the spirit of such laws. Do not allow any acts of violence or criminal acts to be perpetrated in your presence by the supporters of either the ruling party or the common opposition. You are required to prevent such acts and bring the culprits to justice.
The law does not distinguish between the colours of the voters. Every voter has to be subjected to the laws of the land. If anyone violates the law, it is for the Police to take action. It is not an impossible task for the Police. Do not give in to pressure or political thuggery. The people expect the Police to act in such a manner that there will be no violence before, during and after the election.
The Elections Commissioner had washed his hands of by announcing “I am helpless if the Police do not act”. He also said, “If the Police do not take steps to prevent election violence or violation of election laws, he will be helpless”.
The Pope’s visit
Law abiding citizens demand and expect the Police to act swiftly and courageously to prevent election violence or violation of election laws.
It has been confirmed that the Pope is due to visit our land and this is a blessing for our country. Catholics, Buddhists and followers of other religions too are eagerly awaiting his visit. If the Police fail to maintain law and order before, during and after the elections, the Pope’s security advisors who monitor the security situation closely may advise the Vatican not to undertake the visit. Pre-polls violence has already exploded with three incidents of shooting which have occurred immediately after the declaration of the presidential election. If this situation continues, the country may be deprived of the visit of His Holiness the Pope. The Police should have this in mind and act swiftly to prevent any such acts from now onwards till the next President is elected by the people.
Act fearlessly, impartially, independently and earn the encomium of all Sri Lankans.
(The writer is a retired DIG)