MTI’s 5- question poser to presidential candidates
View(s):International strategy consultancy MTI, as part of its continuous thought leadership initiative, has identified what it believes are the ’5-most’ economically pressing questions for the presidential candidates”.
They are:
- What really is our competitive advantage as a nation? Which sectors should we focus on – given our capabilities and the global
How can we align our entire ‘educational supply chain’ to enable this? (this requires radical structural changes)
- How do we improve national productivity? This is only possible if we work on the competencies, culture, motivation and mind-set that are needed to engage and improve human performance.
- How do we ensure national economic development permeates down to and ‘touches’ the bottom of the pyramid? This requires Sri Lankan businesses to set-up ventures that create regional employment, not just big deals on the stock market! There must be strong incentives and disincentives to ensure this.
- How do we achieve a quantum leap in exports? Exports is the onlyreal way that we can ‘earn’ from the world to pay for what we ‘spend’ on imports. This requires strategically radical changes, while ensuring the interests of SMEs are taken care of.
- How do we create a positive psychological environment that ensureslaw and order, human respect and dignity? This will help Sri Lanka to harness the best of our human resources and that in turn will contribute to economic development.