Healthguard, the chain of pharmacies run by the Sunshine Holdings PLC, says it is at the top of this sector and setting a benchmark for others to follow in services and quality of product. Every pharmacy, it said in a media statement, must have a qualified pharmacist in place to advise and guide their customers. [...]

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

Healthguard says setting the benchmark for other pharmacies


Healthguard, the chain of pharmacies run by the Sunshine Holdings PLC, says it is at the top of this sector and setting a benchmark for others to follow in services and quality of product.

Every pharmacy, it said in a media statement, must have a qualified pharmacist in place to advise and guide their customers. “This is something that we practice as a standard in all our Healthguard outlets. Not only do we hire qualified pharmacists, but we also offer training for our pharmaceutical assistants to become qualified pharmacists. In practice, sometimes a pharmacist is the first person a patient consults even prior to seeing a doctor. Therefore, pharmacists play an advisory role to patients and may even offer solutions and remedies for a minor problem over the counter, which is why they have to have a thorough knowledge that would make them accountable for their actions,” Infiyaz Ali Head of Operations at Healthguard, was quoted as saying in the statement.

The organisation said that a key component of pharmacies is that they dispense medicines prescribed by medical practitioners. The pharmacy is the point where patients go to purchase medicines and for that very reason the pharmacist dispensing life saving medicines from behind his counter becomes of vital importance, Healthguard said.

“Pharmacists are the specialists in medicines who understand their composition, chemical and physical properties, manufacture, uses, side effects and interactions with food and other medicines. It is they, who are able to educate the public on the correct use of medicines prescribed to them by doctors to ensure their health. A pharmacist of this calibre is not only one with experience but also one that holds a recognized qualification that allows them to practice,” it said.

Apart from the right qualifications, Mr. Ali noted that there are several other qualities that are essential for a pharmacist. “Having the right attitude is a must, since a pharmacist often interacts with customers who are ill or worried about a family member or friend’s illness; so they need to be caring and sensitive to customer needs; they need to have the right communication skills in order to speak on a professional level with their peers and doctors, as well as in layman terms across language barriers to customers. Almost every pharmacist works with people so it is important that they have the right interpersonal skills as well as leadership skills as they are likely to be responsible for managing staff,” he added.

Other characteristics Healthguard insists on is that their pharmacists are trained in professionalism and ethical behaviour; have the ability to adhere to standards and best practices set by the company, good analytical skills, an excellent memory and counselling skills all of which are important when dealing with a specialised clientele such as theirs.

“Pharmacists’ decisions and actions involve human life and their wellbeing and they must be constantly vigilant to avoid errors that could endanger patients’ lives or reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. A good pharmacist would always follow stringent procedures and redundancy checks to avoid error. They need good analytical skills to review a prescription and understand the purpose for which the medication is prescribed. And a great pharmacist would always be able to remember hundreds of drugs by name, their side effects and interactions,” he said.

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