Sunday Times 2
From Russia with love
Vladimir Putin on Thursday admitted he is in love, fuelling rumours over a relationship with Olympic gymnast Alina Kabayeva.
Denying he had ‘completely gone wild’ in his romantic life, the divorced strongman revealed that he ‘loves’ and is loved in return, but refused to disclose the identity of his mystery partner.

Until now, the Kremlin has refused to discuss Putin's private life. Putin and Miss Kabayeva in 2001
If true, it could mean that Russia’s ‘most eligible man’ is no longer available.
Putin has been leading bachelor’s life for more than a year since he split with wife Lyudmila after 30 years of marriage.
The subject of Putin’s private life has been seen as taboo in Moscow but on Thursday he was asked by a journalist at his annual press conference if he had time for the opposite sex.
The 62 year old replied: ‘I do, I tell you’.
By contrast, when reports first emerged six years ago linking him to Kabayeva, now 31, he angrily denounced ‘those who with their snotty noses and erotic fantasies prowl into others’ lives’.
© Daily Mail, London