Stones thrown at CBK, Hirunika
View(s):Former President Chandrika Kumaratunga has complained to the Police that she and Western Provincial Councilor Hirunika Premachandra were hooted at and a Beruwela house where they were having dinner after a political rally was stoned by goons on Friday night. After the rally in the Beruwela town, the former President and Ms. Premachandra were having dinner at Provincial Councillor M.J.M. Mohamed Isthikar’s house when goons hooted and stoned the house, Ms. Kumaratunga told the Cinnamon Gardens Police.
While Ms. Kumaratunga and Ms. Premachndra managed to leave the place without being harmed, in an ensuing clash, the former President’s vehicle was damaged and several people were injured. A separate complaint was also lodged at the Beruwela Police. No arrests have been made so far.

The state of the dinner table after the attack