Witty and compassionate themes run deep
Oddly, wheeling around a bed through school has become routine for the cast of 12. The annual Senior School play by the students of Elizabeth Moir this year is titled “Whose Life Is It Anyway.” A lot goes in to picking-out a script, director Marissa Janz tells us. Remembering that she taught the play in one of her literature classes previously she felt the kids had what it takes to deliver it.
Having embarked on a comedy last year, the theme is a rather sobering one Marissa notes, “It isn’t morbid.” Centred round a protagonist in his 30’s who has come to the realization that he can no longer use his arms and legs the plot deals with the dark dilemma of choosing to die with dignity.
“The problem is a relevant one, that often gets overlooked,” according to her and despite its dim sounding theme has a good balance of emotions conveyed. The idea she tells us is for the audience to take an emotional journey with the characters, even at the expense of letting emotion cloud what one may feel is moral or otherwise. The hospital humour and “little romances” she says are bound to make it difficult to stick to one decision as being the right one. Getting the crowd emotionally invested in the plot she says has been managed well by her actors. Some of them even pulling it off without the use of much movement.
Euthanasia is neither an easy nor popular topic to sell onstage, nevertheless the students have been working hard and “every rehearsal has been a step forward,” with the dedicated cast who seem to “step in to adult roles quite well.” “Whose Life Is It Anyway” will go on the boards of the Lionel Wendt on February 21. Tickets priced at Rs750, 1000 and 1500 will be available at the Elizabeth Moir School.

Director (L) and Production Manager