200 years ago the British marched into Kandy

In early February 1815, British troops entered Kandy after a month-long advance from the coastline. Unlike previous invasions, the troops were led this time by the dedicated British civil servant, John D’Oyly, rather than a military officer. From all accounts of the invasion D’Oyly’s remit was extraordinarily wide and he had two immediate objectives: first, [...]
A friendship that grows beyond prison bars

The slogan on the wall stretching down Baseline Road reads “Prisoners are Human Beings”. Little by little, the queue trickles in. Organised by Friends of Prisoners’ Children, the event on the sunny morning of February 8, is an annual one where the children of inmates and their families are allowed to visit their parents serving [...]

Wake up people! Don’t force me to call you donkeys As someone who detested the former regime and voted for a change on January 8, these are my critical thoughts on the current regime, a month after the historic election. Summary: Some steps in the right direction (I refuse to say “genuine”,which is almost polar [...]
A media climate to represent reality

We are all slowly but surely getting used to the idea of living in a Democratic Republic. Again. Some of us – a whole generation – have not lived in one. Ever. Others remember – and yearn for – a return to the good old days. If ever they were. A few claim that these [...]
On a historical hunt for crocs and baby bait

A passing reference about a frayed and yellowed news clipping stunned him – up to that time the virtual ‘Crocodile Man’ of Sri Lanka thought he knew quite a lot about this reptile and its associations in this country. The snippet mentioned in an evening in May 2013 after hectic sessions of the World Crocodile [...]
Schwarzenegger: From Terminator 5 to ‘green’ champion

In his most recent reincarnation, Arnold Schwarzenegger is a green hero. The former governor of California was in India last week to attend the 15th Delhi Sustainable Development Summit (DSDS), where he praised the Indian government for embracing the “solar revolution” and putting India on the path to increasing its solar energy capacity to 100 [...]
Flitting among his beloved butterflies

Not only gossamer wings and vivid colours fascinate Himesh Dilruwan Jayasinghe. He is attracted to every minuscule detail in the short-span of life of these beautiful creatures. His eyes take on a far-away look as he speaks of how he observes, makes notes and photographs butterflies just the way they are in the natural habitat, [...]
Miss World to speak at Rotary conference

The reigning Miss World 2014 Rolene Strauss will be among the host of illustrious speakers at next week’s 24th Rotary District Conference from February 20-22 at the BMICH in Colombo. The conference organised for the Rotary International District 3220-Sri Lanka and Maldives will see the participation of about 1000 delegates. This year’s conference is themed [...]
Aiming for the Moon and the Sun

It’s interesting to note that the man who would take India to the Moon and later to Mars had never even travelled beyond his district in South India until he completed his Masters in 1982, aged 24. Mylswamy Annadurai would join the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) that same year. Now it takes six levels [...]
Colonel Henry Steele Olcott’s memorable visit to Ceylon in 1880

Colonel Henry Steele Olcott whose 108th death anniversary falls on February 17, described his travels and work in Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) as follows:- “Ah, lovely Lanka, gem of the Southern seas, how doth thy sweet image rise before me as I write the story of my experiences among thy dusky children, of my success [...]
C. E. Victor S. Corea: Fearless challenger to British might

On June 9, 1962, before C.E. Victor S. Corea was laid to rest in the Chilaw cemetery, Speaker R.S.Pelpola, representing Prime Minister, Sirima R.D. Bandaranaike and the government said, “Chilaw has had the rare distinction of producing two of the greatest patriots who served in the country’s legislature, C.E. Corea and his brother C.E. Victor [...]
Here come Chrissy’s brides!

Among the bridal designers presenting their creations at the Wedding Expo organised by the Colombo Hilton last weekend was veteran stylist Chrissy Rozairo who presented a bevy of beautiful models, displaying the latest trends for 2015. The brides carried flowers created by Marie Samarasinghe, jewellery from Stone N’ String. Their dresses were by Brian Kerkoven [...]
Hikka gets hip hotel

When Bansei by Hotel J was launched in Hikkaduwa on January 30, it was with minimum fuss and frills. The well attended event on the hotel’s terrace seemed an apt expression of Bansei’s commitment to affordable comfort without unnecessary fuss. Located on the Hikkaduwa beach on the main Galle Road, Bansei was formerly Coral Rock [...]
Get ready for a good laugh, Russell Peters is back!

The internationally acclaimed comedian Russell Peters will perform live in Sri Lanka on February 25 at the Sri Lanka Exhibition and Convention Centre Colombo. This Canadian comedian who understates himself by saying he’s ‘almost famous’ has chosen Sri Lanka as a destination on his current world tour. His ability to have the audience in roaring [...]
Chance for mothers and daughters to hit the ramp
Once again the stage is set for the Chokolaate Mother Daughter Fashion Designer competition, now in its sixth successive year. The design competition creates the ideal platform for young people to gain experience in this high end industry, testing their range and adaptability. The event also opens the way for mothers and daughters to take [...]
Blooms of all shapes and hues

It was a stunning and striking display that greeted visitors at “A Million Blooms” – an exhibition of Western and Ikebana floral arrangements presented by the Shi-en Ikebana & Floral Art Society at the Galadari Hotel on Sunday and Monday last week. The society seeks to promote the art of Ikebana and Western floral art [...]
Dr. Reggie Seimon He had a dream Yes, dear Reggie, you not only had a dream, but actually achieved this dream before you laid down your scalpel. Others have spelled out the nature of this dream and how you realised it through your two brain children; “The Sri Lanka Eye Foundation” and “The Centre for [...]
Upali’s fascination with numbers

Upali Wijewardene, the business tycoon whose 32nd death anniversary fell on February 14 was a man who believed in special numbers for his vehicles. Upali drove his mother’s six-cylinder Opel Kapitan 4 Sri 300 in the 1960′s at the Katukurunda Night Races. After graduation from Queen’s College, Cambridge, England, Upali would be seen driving his [...]
Nautical Institute awards

The Nautical Institute Sri Lanka Branch will present an annual award ‘to promote high standards of professionalism amongst the Sri Lanka branch members and potential members’. The Nautical Institute is a leading international professional association for qualified mariners and those associated with the marine profession such as administrators, lawyers, ship owners, operators, charterers to name [...]
Tribute to Carnatic music composer
The Indian Cultural Centre, Colombo in association with the Hindu Educational Society and Virakesari will present Sri Thyagaraja Aradhana, an annual musical festival paying homage to the great Carnatic music composer Thyagaraja, on February 27 at 6 p.m. at Saraswathie hall, No. 75, Lorenz Road, Colombo 4. The rehearsals will be held on February 26 [...]
Promoting freedom of religion and pluralism through radio dramas
“Radio drama has been evolving as an art with enormous scientific elements, and has proved its potential in strengthening religious diversity and pluralism in Sri Lanka,” said Prof. W. A. D. P. Wanigasundera, Chairperson of the Sri Lanka Development Journalist Forum (SDJF), sharing his view on a radio drama initiative implemented by SDJF, promoting freedom [...]
Tribute to Carnatic music composer
The Indian Cultural Centre, Colombo in association with the Hindu Educational Society and Virakesari will present Sri Thyagaraja Aradhana, an annual musical festival paying homage to the great Carnatic music composer Thyagaraja, on February 27 at 6 p.m. at Saraswathie hall, No. 75, Lorenz Road, Colombo 4. The rehearsals will be held on February 26 [...]
Past pupils from six schools to take part in Girl Power Cycle Race

Colombo will soon be graced by Sri Lanka’s first all-female tag team cycle race. Past pupils or Old Girls, from Holy Family Convent, Ladies’, Methodist, Musaeus Colleges, St. Paul’s Milagiriya and Visakha Vidyalaya will come together in this unique competition all for the love of cycling. This is being organised by the Pedal Pushers Cyclists, [...]
WNPS lecture: ‘Wilpattu’
The Wildlife & Nature Protection Society of Sri Lanka’s monthly lecture for February 2015 is titled ‘Wilpattu’ and will be delivered by Kithsiri Gunawardena on Thursday, February 19 at the Department of Meteorology Auditorium, 383, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 7 (opposite BMICH) at 6.15 p.m. Kithsiri Gunawardena is an attorney-at-law holding a key management position in [...]
‘Saviman’ offers free techno advice to social enterprises

Taken from Sanskrit, the word “Saviman” alludes to instigation, guidance and direction. Aptly titled, Saviman is a new venture offering free technological advice to social enterprises and non-profit organisations. The advice comes from local and international experts in various fields of technology, offering their services free of charge for the benefit of those trying to [...]
Rukshan Perera delights audience at Live in Concert

Never failing to fill his concert venue to capacity, the very talented Rukshan Perera enticed a groove-ready audience (many of whom had attended some if not all previous shows) to the ‘Rukshan Perera Live in Concert (5)’ at the Bishop’s College Auditorium on January 18. And what a show it was! Choro Calibre opened in [...]