Tamper-proof seals bar Sri Lankan retail shops from adulterating coconut oil
Coconut, including coconut oil, has been an essential element of Sri Lankan food. It also has its share of controversies particularly in the debate over the health aspects of coconut oil.

Manjula Rathnayaka
But that appears to have been sorted out over time and, after much research, is now considered an oil with health benefits. Research shows that this oil contains Lauric Acid which is available in breast milk, a body immunizing agent.
Another problem has been the adulteration of coconut oil being sold in the market.
In addition large quantities of cheap palm oil continue to be imported into Sri Lanka and unscrupulous oil traders conveniently mix this cheap oil with coconut oil.
Adamjee Lukmanjee & Sons (Pvt) Ltd (ALS) which had its humble beginnings in the mid 19th century and was founded by Adamjee Lukmanjee in 1865, is a reputed producer of pure coconut oil. Not only is it producing pure

Coconut oil poured from a tamper-proof machine as a customer looks on. Pix by Quintus Perera
coconut oil, but also ensures that the product reaches the consumer in the same pure form and is maintained in stores likewise.Last week Manjula Rathnayaka, Sales Manager, Adamjee Marketing (Pvt) Ltd (AML) explained to the Business Times market trends, the tussle between pure coconut oil producers and the sellers of adulterated coconut oil, and how AML is engaged in selling a pure product to the public, using a unique tamper- proof method.
He said that to arrest the adulteration of their high quality pure coconut oil, even at the hands of the retailer, the company has introduced coconut oil tanks – ‘Oil Master’ with a tamper-proof seal, at all retail points where they supply their coconut oil. These tanks have an opening on top where the oil is filled and once the oil is filled, the top opening is sealed by AML. The vendor can only pour oil out to sell and is prevented from inserting anything to adulterate the contents inside the tank. When replenishments are needed, ALM would break open the seal, fill the Oil Master and re-seal it.
Mr. Rathnayaka said that they are supplying the retailers with 140 litre foolproof tanks and now have more than 200 such tanks in shops all over the country.
The Business Times accompanied Mr. Rathnayaka to a retail shop at Rajagiriya to observe how the whole system operates. The shop owner, while serving a customer with coconut oil, said that the customers are very satisfied with the pure coconut oil they purchase. A few customers who were lined up to buy the ‘Coco+ White Coconut Oil in this shop told the BT they are very happy to purchase this quality oil as its purity is ensured, though the price is little higher than the adulterated stuff.
Before visiting the Rajagiriya shop, Mr. Rathnayaka took the BT round the company’s large coconut oil factory which is in the same locality, adjoining the office at Grandpass. It is an ultra modern factory and there is no hand operation from the copra feeding point to the finished oil that is stored in the gigantic tanks. Only at the feeding point copra is inserted by hand.
He said they were involved in various promotional activities and meeting consumer groups to educate them on the use and supply of pure coconut oil .