Mirror Magazine
A stitch in time

For Hansanie Meemanage, the trickiest part of setting up her online store was convincing her mum to come onboard. The Ami Collection’s designs are originally hand-drawn and stitched by her mother so of course, complicity was essential. For Indrani Perera buying your clothes on the internet seemed a very strange thing to be doing but [...]
A mash of colours

At Elizabeth Moir School they like their paint and that’s why the school’s art exhibition this year was aimed at not just showcasing their students’ work, but also at raising funds for a purpose-built art studio. Students aged 11-17 put their work on display last month at the Lionel Wendt, and through a silent auction [...]
Comedic trio makes a return to stage

The comic story of Tom, Dick and Harry by Michael and Ray Cooney will be revived by Silent Hands Productions, at the end of the month. Polishing-up their lines and busily adjusting to some last minute tweaks, for some of the cast this is the first appearance under the Silent Hands label but not under [...]
Patty’s footprints
When I was a child I remember what our neighbours would say when a cat would leave home for a few days, perhaps a couple of weeks. ‘They would go to observe sil’ (thapas rakinna yanawa in Sinhala). However it was uncharacteristic for our ‘Patty’ to depart for such a long time. It never misses its meals, [...]