Sunday Times 2
Imthiaz Bakeer Markar’s latest book
View(s):A book authored by onetime Media Minister Imthiaz Bakeer Markar titled “Hithu Matha”, a collection of weekly newspaper columns, was launched at the Library Services’ Auditorium on Wednesday.

The author presents a book to publisher S. Godage
The book is a compilation of articles relating to a wide range of topics relating to politics, socioeconomic and ethno-religious aspects viewed in a national and international context. The launch was followed by a panel discussion on themes highlighted in the book with the participation of Dr. Praneeth Abeysundara, Dr. Daya Amaraskera, Dr. Ranga Kalansooriya, Dr. Chandima Wijegunawardena and veteran journalist P.M. Senaratna.
Media Minister Gayantha Karunathilaka, and Dr. Karunasena Kodituwakku, a patron of the Bakeer Markar Centre for National Unity also graced the occasion. The book was published by Godage Publication.