Protesters block Colombo-Puttalam road at Anawilundawa
View(s):A protest launched by villagers against the construction of an asbestos manufacturing factory at Anawilundawa yesterday, brought traffic on the

Residents take to the street demanding the eviction of an asbestos factory from Anawilundawa. Pix and text by Hiran Priyankara Jayasena
Colombo- Puttalam A-3 road to a standstill for nearly an hour.
The protesters were opposing the construction of a new asbestos manufacturing factory near the Anawilundawa wetland.
The protestors said Environment laws, regulations and Acts had been violated by officials when they granted permission for this project to go ahead.
Villagers claimed the factory would have ill-effects on the health condition of the community and that water sources could be polluted. They added the setting up of the factory would adversely affect the bio-diversity of the Anawilundawa bird sanctuary.
Meanwhile environmental organizations stated the factory would use more than 165,000 liters of water daily to meet production requirements.
Convener of the protest -Ven. Wilpotha Pemananda Thera- accused that the Director of the Provincial Environment Authority of not taking into account the ill-effects on the village community nor on the world famous Anawilundawa wetland when giving approval for the construction of the factory.
With protesters blocking the road, police were forced to divert traffic on alternate routes.
With protesters blocking the road a few politicians began holding discussions with the factory owners. Demonstrators called off the protest when factory owners said they would halt construction.
ASP Chilaw arranged a discussion between the factory management and the protesters.