Wheels in motion to save little lives

A baby’s cry disturbs the stillness of a humble home in Godakumbura, Mahagama close to Bulathsinhala. There is gurgling laughter when Sithu is cuddled and snuggled by mother K.M. Nadeesha Tharangamali. The situation in that home may have been different and tragic if this baby boy was born several years ago. Although he was born [...]
Be informed and give a hand to a child with “Epilepsy”
Being diagnosed with epilepsy is frightening for both the parents and the child due to the poor understanding of the disease and/or the impact that will have on the child’s life and the family. A part of coping with epilepsy is researching to learn as much as possible about the condition. What is epilepsy? Epilepsy [...]
You’re not alone in battle against bulge
Consultant dietician, Sigrid De Silva, who founded Sri Lanka’s first obesity support group, believes that community can be a key part of an effective weight loss regimen. So many of the battles of obesity are psychological and emotional ones, she points out. While nothing can replace the advice of healthcare professionals when it comes to [...]
The all-important filtering organ in our body

The kidneys are a pair of amazing organs in our body, responsible for many essential tasks that keep us healthy. Each kidney, roughly the size of one’s fist is situated deep in the abdomen and consists of about a million tiny functional units called nephrons. Each nephron is a filter of its own that functions [...]
Finding solace in knowledge

There were queries from my reader friends on my last month’s article on Near Death Experiences. On the morning it was published I received a concerned phone call from a good friend Dr. Anil Goonetilleke. He told me that he absolutely disagreed with my article. After all, he said, it is important to give people [...]
Is your life cluttered and chaotic?

Do you sometimes feel as if you are drowning under a deluge of emails, texts and tweets? Do you struggle to keep up with appointments and myriad decisions that you need to make every day? If you constantly lose your car keys or glasses and feel generally worn out by the effort it takes to [...]
That ache in your ankle
Simply walking on an uneven surface can be enough to trigger a sprain and give you ankle pain, says Chartered Physiotherapist, Gopi Kitnasamy. “The ankle is where three bones meet,” he explains, listing the bones known as tibia, fibula and talus. Pain may result from a diverse number of conditions, including a simple sprain or, [...]