Looking forward to a better and brighter sports future
View(s):Our belated sincere wishes and congratulations go out to the Hon. Navin Dissanayake on his assumption as the new Minister of Sports and Tourism.

The Sunday Times has decided to dedicate this column to its readers so that they can comment about contents in our sports columns and features and also write their own thoughts on various sports with letters to the editor.Their views however are not necessarily those of the newspaper.
I would however like to propose that the Honourable Minister should, at the outset, concentrate in infusing some fresh blood into our National Cricket squads. Irrespective of Caste, Creed or Nationality every outstanding sportsman should be availed an opportunity to prove their prowess and capabilities. In a concerted and genuine effort to promote and develop the spirit of racial harmony and amity amongst all sections of the various sporting communities in Sri Lanka. This is of vital importance. However, this privilege has so far been deprived to our promising young Cricketers due to political interference, favoritism and “Red Tape”. It is high time that our senior and seasoned national cricketers should give way to the up and coming young cricketers, who have also a cherished dream and honour of representing their motherland.
These promising young cricketers are available in plenty from the Colombo and out station schools who have unfortunately been deprived of an opportunity to expose their latent talents by some of the selfish National Cricketers who are under the impression and belief that their services are indispensable and choose to hang on to their positions.
The Hon: Minister should seriously consider the possibility of introducing a fresh set of rules and regulations to the effect that a player should be entitled to partake in the National Cricket squad for only a limited period of time. This way every talented Cricketer will be afforded an equal chance to be a member of the National Cricket Squad.
The late M.J.M. Lafir, Billiards player was the first Sri Lankan to bring the world title to Sri Lanka.
Followed by the World Cup Cricket Champs under Hon. Arjuna Ranatunga’s captaincy and more recently the 20/20 World Cup Victory under Angelo Mathews.
In leading Cricket playing nations like England the National Side was captained by Nassir Hussain. In India where the majorities are Hindus, Mohamed Azharuddin captained the side and in the South Africa Cricket Eleven, Hashim Amla has played a prominent role. These are cricketing legends who have contributed immensely towards the development and upliftment of this most popular sport. I am wondering as to why our own selectors and cricket officials are fighting shy to adopt this same Criteria and grant equal opportunities to members of the minority communities too to be a proud member of Sri Lanka National Cricket X11.
If this proposal is considered favourably then we could look forward to better and brighter times ahead for Cricket in Sri Lanka.
Rowan Aniff
Colombo 13