Siripala, Sri Lanka’s iconic flautist rendering soulful music at Kandalama
A tuneful melody is heard in the twilight evening breeze by the poolside at Kandalama Hotel; that is Siripala beckoning the guests to wind down as he soothes the senses with his figure edged out atop a rock against the sundown.
For Sri Lankans he would bring back a lot of memories as most of his tunes are taken from old songs by C.T. Fernando, H.R. Jothipala, Shanthi Devi, P.L.A. Somapala and Chitra Somapala, Ananda Samarakoon and W.D. Amaradeva. In addition, he would also perform some local songs and “kavi” including his own compositions but he has no intention of performing any western numbers as this has not been encouraged either, he said.

D.S.Siripala on the Kandalama rock.
Hailing from a musical background, D.S. Siripala (50), unmarried, is a resident of the area and works harvesting his field during the day and performing in the evening at the hotel.
Mr. Siripala speaking with the Business Times on Tuesday said he had taken a liking to playing the flute since his childhood days and later studied the instrument.
Starting from around 6.30 pm, the flutist says he performs just as the hotel and its guests prepare to wind down for the day and continue to keep them enthralled till around 10.30 pm.
He has travelled much around the country performing at Colombo parties, school functions, musical shows and dance performances rendering music to millions including at the John De Silva hall and the BMICH for a competition.
Once, Mr. Siripala opined that veteran artist W.D. Amaradeva was his favourite whom he met on several occasions as well. He is currently trying to launch a CD of his collection of melodies but is hard strapped for cash.
Mr. Siripala is perched atop a rock at Kandalama to enthral audiences from far and wide for 21 years and his melodies have stayed with his guests with one comment on TripAdvisor noting that “The flautist at the pool side at dawn add tranquillising calm to the atmosphere;” and WingsToFly24 stating simply “There is a flautist who plays by the pool at night, very nice!”
The musician’s family comprises two sisters whose mother passed away at age nine years and later the father at around 20 years. As a result he had studied only till grade 10 but since they did not have a steady income he could not pursue his studies in formal music education either.
His father and uncles also have been involved in music performances like in the open air theatres and in musicals.
While searching for information on this renowned flautist there was a recording made of his performance with a video on the landscape and surroundings of Kandalama so anyone could hear him wherever they are at Hotel General Manager Priyan Wijeyaratne said that today Mr. Siripala has been recognised as an icon of Kandalama as he has become renowned with his performances in the evening on a rock centred on either side of the pool. He noted that this facility was started 21 years ago since there was no music or noise at around 5.30 pm when everything is calm and thus this music gives a smooth feeling.
“He’s from the village and is passionate about what he is doing,” Mr. Wijeyaratne said, reflecting on how the flautist has today become a part of Kandalama Hotel.