An Easter Carol Service by the Choir of St. Michael and All Angels, Polwatte, Colombo will be held on Easter Sunday, April 5 at 6 p.m. at the Church. This service comprises Easter Lessons and Carols with Procession. It brings together many traditional elements of Christian worship in celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. [...]

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

Easter Carol Service at St. Michael and All Angels


An Easter Carol Service by the Choir of St. Michael and All Angels, Polwatte, Colombo will be held on Easter Sunday, April 5 at 6 p.m. at the Church.
This service comprises Easter Lessons and Carols with Procession. It brings together many traditional elements of Christian worship in celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Through readings from the Bible and other sources, carols and congregational hymns, the service recalls the prophecies and the events leading up to and following the resurrection, and concludes by looking forward to the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

The choir is under the direction of Dr. Lalith Perera and at the organ will be Denham Pereira.
All are welcome.

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