Mirror Magazine
A season for colour

Those split-second, frantic searches for wallets and keys before leaving home aren’t unfamiliar to most of us. For Nivendra Uduman this checklist includes a stack of hand-written letters. Generally, he returns home after a long day minus a few letters, having left them where ever he felt compelled to. Either in an envelope stamped with [...]
More than games

What do you do for Avurudu these days? Our schedule includes munching on Avurudu delicacies, catching up on sleep and hanging out with the family; all excellent ways to occupy your time with, but as every seasonal commercial on television will tell you-this is not how our forefathers envisioned it for us. Gone are the [...]
Education and equality
Just like how a see saw needs both sides to be equally balanced to maintain a position of equilibrium our society needs both men and women to contribute to it equally in order to prosper. It is extremely common to still see that there are women who live the stereotypical life we sometimes read about – [...]
What is our economy lacking?
The world is in a constant state of change and economies are growing faster than ever. If Sri Lanka falls off of this rapid wagon, we would never be able to get backup again. Let us take a moment to think about what we are missing. We have one of the highest literacy rates in South [...]