Gov­ern­ment is to ad­mit an ad­di­tion­al 500 stu­dents to Na­tion­al Col­leg­es of Ed­u­ca­tion (NCE) this year, said Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­try Sec­re­ta­ry Up­a­li Mar­a­singhe. A to­tal of 3,500 will be ad­mit­ted to fol­low the 3-year Di­plo­ma course at these Col­leg­es. He said the Fi­nance Min­is­try has per­mit­ted the in­creased in­take. Stu­dents will be ad­mit­ted from the As­sis­tant [...]


2015 NCE intake hiked by 500: Education Ministry Secretary


Gov­ern­ment is to ad­mit an ad­di­tion­al 500 stu­dents to Na­tion­al Col­leg­es of Ed­u­ca­tion (NCE) this year, said Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­try Sec­re­ta­ry Up­a­li Mar­a­singhe.

A to­tal of 3,500 will be ad­mit­ted to fol­low the 3-year Di­plo­ma course at these Col­leg­es.
He said the Fi­nance Min­is­try has per­mit­ted the in­creased in­take.

Stu­dents will be ad­mit­ted from the As­sis­tant Gov­ern­ment Agent (AGA) Di­vi­sion they live in to en­sure they do not re­quest trans­fers af­ter ap­point­ments are gran­ted.

On Thurs­day, 2,910 NCE Dip­lo­mates who com­ple­ted the 2-year pro­gramme in the aca­dem­ic years 2012-2014, plus the 1-year in­tern­ship, re­ceived their ap­point­ments from Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­ter Aki­la Vir­aj Kar­iya­wa­sam and State Min­is­ter of Ed­u­ca­tion V. Rad­hak­rishn­an, at the Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­try.
The Dip­lo­mates will fill va­can­cies in 748 Na­tion­al schools and 2,165 Pro­vin­cial Coun­cil (PC) schools. This year, 64% of Dip­lo­mates were as­signed to PC schools.

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