Gov­ern­ment will con­duct fur­ther re­cruit­ment of Teach­er As­sis­tants (TA) to fill 500 more va­can­cies in Es­tate sec­tor State schools, said Depu­ty Min­is­ter K. Ve­layu­tham. This is in ad­di­tion to the 1,688 TAs ap­poin­ted on Fri­day by Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­ter Aki­la Vir­aj Kar­iya­wa­sam at the Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­try. Mr Ve­layu­tham said that 25 more Es­tate schools will al­so [...]


500 more Teacher Assistants recruited to Estate schools


Gov­ern­ment will con­duct fur­ther re­cruit­ment of Teach­er As­sis­tants (TA) to fill 500 more va­can­cies in Es­tate sec­tor State schools, said Depu­ty Min­is­ter K. Ve­layu­tham.

This is in ad­di­tion to the 1,688 TAs ap­poin­ted on Fri­day by Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­ter Aki­la Vir­aj Kar­iya­wa­sam at the Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­try.

Mr Ve­layu­tham said that 25 more Es­tate schools will al­so be con­struc­ted on the ad­vice of Prime Min­is­ter Ra­nil Wick­re­me­singhe.

“In ad­di­tion to help im­prove the Ed­u­ca­tion sec­tor, it will al­so help to re­duce un­em­ploy­ment with­in the Es­tate sec­tor,” he said. He was of the view that the drop in stand­ards in the Ed­u­ca­tion sec­tor can be re­versed with the new re­cruit­ment.

Ed­u­ca­tion Min­is­try Sec­re­ta­ry, Up­a­li Mar­aisnghe said these ap­point­ments were not po­lit­i­cal­ly mo­ti­va­ted and will not be re­versed.

He said they in­tend hav­ing in­ter­views for the re­main­ing 500 TA va­can­cies with­in the next two months.

The first batch of TAs from the es­tate areas were se­lec­ted via a com­pet­i­tive ex­am. Young men and wom­en res­i­dents of Gra­ma Seva di­vi­sions in es­tate areas for 10 con­tin­u­ous years, were el­i­gi­ble to sit for the com­pet­i­tive ex­am.

This pro­gramme was to rem­e­dy the se­ri­ous short­age of teach­ers in Tam­il-me­di­um es­tate schools.

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