The Cey­lon Teach­ers’ Serv­ice Un­ion (CTSU) has called on all mem­bers of the Ed­u­ca­tion Em­ploy­ees’ Co-Op Thrift & Cred­it So­ci­ety Ltd. (ECCS) to boy­cott a schol­ar­ship-award­ing cer­e­mo­ny to be held to­mor­row at Tem­ple Trees. The schol­ar­ships are for EDCS mem­bers’ chil­dren who have gained ad­mis­sion to Uni­ver­si­ty. CTSU Gen­er­al Sec­re­ta­ry, Ma­hin­da Jaya­singhe in a state­ment, [...]


CTSU urges boycott of Temple Trees Scholarship-awarding ceremony


The Cey­lon Teach­ers’ Serv­ice Un­ion (CTSU) has called on all mem­bers of the Ed­u­ca­tion Em­ploy­ees’ Co-Op Thrift & Cred­it So­ci­ety Ltd. (ECCS) to boy­cott a schol­ar­ship-award­ing cer­e­mo­ny to be held to­mor­row at Tem­ple Trees.

The schol­ar­ships are for EDCS mem­bers’ chil­dren who have gained ad­mis­sion to Uni­ver­si­ty.

CTSU Gen­er­al Sec­re­ta­ry, Ma­hin­da Jaya­singhe in a state­ment, has ac­cused the pre­vi­ous as well as the pres­ent gov­ern­ments of in­ter­fer­ing with the func­tions of the ECCS.

“Both gov­ern­ments ob­struc­ted the ECCS’s right to elect its own mem­bers to the ad­min­is­tra­tion by al­ways elect­ing in­ter­im Boards,” Mr Jaya­singhe sta­ted. Ex­plain­ing their de­ci­sion to boy­cott th e cer­e­mo­ny on May 11, the CTSU states the cost of the cer­e­mo­ny will take up to Rs 1.5 mil­lion, which is to be drawn from the ECCS mem­ber­ship fund.
Mr Jaya­singhe states they are “against the gov­ern­ment us­ing so­ci­ety’s mem­ber­ship funds for po­lit­i­cal ag­grand­ize­ment.”

Stat­ing that ev­ery­one who meets the el­i­gi­bil­i­ty cri­te­ria is le­gal­ly en­ti­tled to re­ceive the schol­ar­ship, the CTSU as­sures that non-at­tend­ance will not de­prive any­one of their schol­ar­ship.

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